Title: Mount & Blade II Bannerlord
Genre: Action, RPG, Strategy
Publisher: Taleworlds
Developer: Taleworlds

Bannerlord Multiplayer


Bannerlord تعريب


Bannerlord 1800

Telepathy Talk to any hero from encyclopedia MB2 Bannerlord mod Telepathy (Talk to any hero from encyclopedia)
Telepathy (Talk to any hero from encyclopedia)

Sometimes it is so boring to wander the map trying to track down a lord just to talk. In some cases...

True Limits Mount and blade 2 bannerlord mod True Limits ( companions, parties, workshops ,..)
True Limits ( companions, parties, workshops ,..)

Manage bannerlord limits – party size , companions , parties , workshops ,.. Do the native limits and tier based quotas...

Training Field Train your troops | bannerlord mod
Train your troops | bannerlord mod

Mod: Xorberax’s Training Field Allows you to train your troops at the Training Field and arenas. When visiting the Training Field...

Improved Garrisons 3.0 Mount and blade 2 bannerlord mod Improved Garrisons 3.0 (bannerlord mod)
Improved Garrisons 3.0 (bannerlord mod)

Automatic world & prisoner recruitment to garrisons.Train troops in your garrison and establish guard parties which defend your kingdom and follow...

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System Requirement

  • OS: Windows 7/8/10 (64-bit only)
  • Processor : Intel® Core™ i3-8100
  • Memory: 6 GB RAM
  • Storage: 60 GB available space
  • Graphics: 2GB graphics card
  • Audio: All sound cards
  • Integrated GPUs require additional 2GB of system RAM